Find Joy
March 1, 2019
Kill The Creeping Shadow
By Stormy Lake
Seeking balance through our lives with joy in the light of gratitude is easy until our shadow self creeps in.
Recently I have witnessed some great barriers of shadow casting.
Everyone has a shadow, but what is the shadow self?
The spiritual battle is the soul's response under pressure. Your low vibrational response, thought or feeling is the shadow.
Taking a look at what triggers strong reactions within us is a start. This includes positive or negative when dealing with other people. In the response is where you’re approaching your shadow known as (unhealed emotions).
We are all born pure, like bright white blank canvases. At some point during our childhood development, we learn knowledge that teaches us to separate good and evil.
The moment we feed our fear, jealousy arises, and the tree of knowledge grows as your shadows are born.
Separate from the flesh of the world and you won't need to confront your shadows.

Shine On
February 1, 2019
Illuminating Light in Spiritual War
By Stormy Lake
In a world where life’s demands take us from silence into chaos, we must be spiritually awakened, have eyes of discernment and supernaturally armed in order to shine in a moment of darkness. The wisdom of this hidden truth makes me proactive. So I think what tools shall I equipped my self with today?
We walk a road that has The spiritual before us. This passage-way known on earth for most of the world means living in the seat of our soul. Our soul (fleshly desire) is easily swayed in moments of worldly gain. It will appeal to your flesh, to your eyes or to your ego. So I think how can I be so prepared and awaken to know what choices to make, so that my soul does not lead me into a trap of selfish gain, personal power or ego led fame. How can I be of service and what is my greatest strength?
Every decision I make, every word I speak and every thought I think affects my internal and external seen and unseen world. So I must be ready and know when and how to put on my spiritual covering. Every day the world is under spiritual attack; so how do I engage in the spiritual war that is coming and win?
Stillness, compassion, and selflessness are needed to see through the eyes of spirit, this brings us spiritual discernment. We need a shield of faith. This is faith in God, God's promises. If we rely on thyself; we will fall short of strength and our light will diminish.
Let it be deception or attack, the shield of faith means to claim God's promises, trusting God's character, and applying God's truth, by holding it up in our heart and heads, to deflect the lies of the world, or the dart of fear, accusation, condemnation, etc.
The keys to unlock spiritual armor is open to every human on earth. Will you use your resources? I find that before the sun rises, its best to connect in silence, reflect and prepare in prayer for strength and wisdom every day. Spiritual war will absolutely affect the outcome of our day. Our ability to call in cover prayer is stronger than the spiritual opposition in route. I create a hedge of protection for wisdom to abound daily. Don’t let a moment go by serving the soul walking blindly into the world without.
We are left naked in the rise of sun without our protection figuratively and spiritually speaking. We have no shield unless we activate heart prayers for our truest potential.

Darkness To Light
January 1, 2019
Fanning Your Inner Flame.
By Stormy Lake
A Door of many roads unfolds before each person on earth. Some choose the road of easy pleasure and soul cravings, while others walk the narrow path of humility and seek spiritual revelation. For all humans, we choose the path and the door that opens. Only we can be the way-starter to the path in which we venture into. There is a spiritual element that must be recognized if you want to see an “open door for your life.”
Many people find their self in suffering without an understanding of how they got there. Every decision we make brings a result of bliss or burden. So many people walk in the world unaware. We must stay awake and present in our every moment with preparation before any spiritual door opens. Two main ingredients help us get here, Prayer and Fasting.
Prayer is the first essential element of seeing the open door. Refocus your time and energy on spending time alone with God. Refresh yourself in His presence and remember again the delight of just being with Him. The other is Fasting. I encourage you to take the first three days of each month, or 1 meal a week, for each week and set them aside for concerted prayer and fasting. Each person should do what the Lord instructs him to do, but never worry about what others are doing. This cuts off our ability to receive.
When you combine prayer and fasting, you are preparing the way for God to open big doors in your life. I have seen this and live it. We are the leaders, the experiences, and the testers of our journey. We are equally given both options (duality) to operate from. Let it be the yin or yang, the up or down, the light or dark, positive or negative, joy or anger. The choices are ours.
We are the way-showers of our destination. Operating with the living force of freewill application drives our destination. Some seek knowledge, others seek a thrill. In the world of Spirituality, there are many concepts that are confusing. There is a different doorway to enlightenment for each unique soul. Finding the right path isn’t always so easy; however, these two applications bring revelation and knowledge. Often, one may choose many other pathways before finding solid ground. For some, it will take a lifetime. Experience brings wisdom. Not all humans have been given a compass in their pocket to direct their actions and lead them to bliss; moreover, we have all been born with the ability to receive in asking. Ultimately knowing the way to bliss will require a road of trust, a heart that holds hope, and the strength to fan there internal flame. Walking with humility is the first lesson in life’s game.
The inner light within us, when alive and thriving is a fire that fuels perseverance. We must be the way-starters of our destiny. No one else can take us here. The spiritual application begins with Prayer.